
pre-compiled toolchain

▶ Solution that many people choose ▶ Advantage: it is the simplest and most convenient solution ▶ Drawback: you can't fine tune the toolchain to your needs ▶ Make sure the toolchain you find meets your requirements: CPU, endianness, C library, component
versions, ABI, soft float or hard float, etc. ▶ Possible choices ▶ Toolchains packaged by your distribution Ubuntu examples: sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf ▶ Sourcery CodeBench toolchains, now only supporting MIPS, NIOS-II, AMD64, Hexagon. Old versions with
ARM support still available through build systems (Buildroot...) ▶ Toolchain provided by your hardware vendor.


Another solution is to use utilities that automate the process of building the toolchain ▶ Same advantage as the pre-compiled toolchains: you don't need to mess up with all the details of the build process ▶ But also offers more flexibility in terms of toolchain configuration, component version selection, etc. ▶ They also usually contain several patches that fix known issues with the different components on some architectures ▶ Multiple tools with identical principle: shell scripts or Makefile that automatically fetch, extract, configure, compile and install the different components

▶ Crosstool-ng ▶ Rewrite of the older Crosstool, with a menuconfig-like configuration system ▶ Feature-full: supports uClibc, glibc, musl, hard and soft float, many architectures ▶ Actively maintained ▶ http://crosstool-ng.org/ ▶ Buildroot ▶ http://www.buildroot.net ▶ PTXdist ▶ http://pengutronix.de/software/ptxdist/ ▶ OpenEmbedded / Yocto ▶ http://www.openembedded.org/https://www.yoctoproject.org/



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