System building tools
- Different tools are available to automate the process of building a target system, including the kernel, and sometimes the toolchain.
- They automatically download, configure, compile and install all the components in the right order, sometimes after applying patches to fix cross-compiling issues.
- They already contain a large number of packages, that should fit your main requirements, and are easily extensible.
- The build becomes reproducible, which allows to easily change the configuration of some components, upgrade them, fix bugs, etc.
Available system building tools
Large choice of tools
- Buildroot, developed by the community See our dedicated course and training materials:
- PTXdist, developed by Pengutronix
- OpenWRT, originally a fork of Buildroot for wireless routers, now a more generic project
- LTIB. Good support for Freescale boards, but small community
- OpenEmbedded, more flexible but also far more complicated, its industrialized version Yocto Project and vendor-specific derivatives such as Arago. See our dedicated course and training materials:
- Vendor specific tools (silicon vendor or embedded Linux vendor)